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Pasta Fresca

Italimenti became Montreal's distinguished fresh pasta shop in the heart of downtown Montreal. Our chef's prepare fresh pasta daily using the finest imported Italian Biological flour and Semolina. All our filled pasta's contain no fillers, colorants or preservatives; all authentic & quality ingredients made in house. 

We also specialize in pasta made only from high protein vegetable flour containing no Gluten. Great for those who wish to eat a healthier plate of pasta. Available in green pea, Chick pea and beet-root flours. 

Home of Montreal's best Fresh Pasta shop!

Our Special Flours

Our fresh pasta is made with a variety of flours to satisfy every customers gastronomic desires.

Standard Pasta: We only use Certified Organic flour imported from Italy. The 00 Oragnic pasta flour is NON-GMO and free of pesticides normally found in grains.

Molino Grassi is the product of three generations, from founder to grandchildren, of innovation in processing soft and durum wheat in Parma, Italy, the most important cereal-growing region of Northern Italy. Molino Grassi are the benchmark for organic and food safety guarantee throughout Europe. Certified Organic and GMO Free.
Certified Kosher Parve and Halal Global.


Pea Flour Pasta:  We make various cuts of pasta using specialized Green Pea flour. Green Pea flour is Gluten free and has the the following health benefits: Rich in fibre; high in protein, good source of iron; highly digestible, high in antioxidants and good source of vitamins and minerals. For those who love pasta but want to give up gluten this is a perfect solution.


Lentil Flour Pasta:  We make various cuts of pasta using specialized Red Lentil fluor. Red Lentil has a nutty flavour; is Gluten free and has the the following health benefits: Rich in fibre; high in protein, good source of iron; highly digestible, high in antioxidants and good source of vitamins and minerals. For those who love pasta but want to give up gluten this is a perfect solution.


Note: Although we use these Gluten free flours; we do not reccomend our products for those who are highly allergic to Gluten as the pasta is made in same environment as the regular pasta.



Italian Pasta Through the Ages


Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Pasta is integrant part of Italy’s food history Wherever Italians immigrated they have brought their pasta along, so much so today it can be considered a staple of international cuisine. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian products like pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history, pasta may have a much older pedigree, going back hundreds -if not thousands- of years. Unravelling the long and often complex history of this dish we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding it.

Many school children were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys to China (along with gelato, some believed…). Some may have also learnt that Polo’s was not a discovery, but rather a rediscovery of a product once popular in Italy among the Etruscans and the Romans. Well, Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journeys, but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them: noodles were already there in Polo’s time.

There is indeed evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same durum wheat used to produce modern pasta: it was called “lagane” (origin of the modern word for lasagna). However this type of food, first mentioned in the 1st century AD, was not boiled, as it is usually done today, but ovenbaked. Ancient lagane had some similarities with modern pasta, but cannot be considered quite the same. The country will have to wait a few centuries for its most popular dish to make a further culinary leap forward.

Like so much of southern Italian life, the Arabic invasions of the 8th century heavily influenced regional cuisine. Today, the presence of Arabic people in the south of the peninsula during the Middle Ages is considered the most likely reason behind the diffusion of pasta.

The modern word “macaroni” derives from the Sicilian term for kneading dough with energy, as early pasta making was often a laborious, day-long process. How these early dishes were served is not truly known, but many Sicilian pasta recipes still include typically middle eastern ingredients, such as raisins and cinnamon, which may be witness to original, medieval recipes.

This early pasta was an ideal staple for Sicily and it easily spread to the mainland since durum wheat thrives in Italy’s climate. Italy is still a major producer of this hard wheat, used to make the all-important semolina flour.

By the 1300’s dried pasta was very popular for its nutrition and long shelf life, making it ideal for long ship voyages. Pasta made it around the globe during the voyages of discovery a century later. By that time different shapes of pasta have appeared and new technology made pasta easier to make. With these innovations pasta truly became a part of Italian life. However the next big advancement in the history of pasta would not come until the 19th century when pasta met tomatoes.

Although tomatoes were brought back to Europe shortly after their discovery in the New World, it took a long time for the plant to be considered edible. In fact tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family and rumors of tomatoes being poisonous continued in parts of Europe and its colonies until the mid 19th century (check the history of tomato here). Therefore it was not until 1839 that the first pasta recipe with tomatoes was documented. However shortly thereafter tomatoes took hold, especially in the south of Italy. The rest of course is delicious history.


It is estimated that Italians eat over sixty pounds of pasta per person, per year easily beating Americans, who eat about twenty pounds per person. This love of pasta in Italy far outstrips the large durum wheat production of the country; therefore Italy must import most of the wheat it uses for pasta. Today pasta is everywhere and can be found in dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca) varieties depending on what the recipes call for. The main problem with pasta today is the use of mass production to fill a huge worldwide demand. And while pasta is made everywhere the product from Italy keeps to time-tested production methods that create a superior pasta.

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 1063 rue de la Montagne

Montreal, Quebec H3G 0B9


Phone: 514-447-9595


Email Catering:

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 7pm
​​Saturday: 10:00am - 6pm
​Sunday: Closed

Public Parking available in adjacent buildings on de la Montagne or Drummond


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